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Getting started with the Mediagenix On-Demand APIs

If you are new and looking to integrate with Mediagenix On-Demand’s products using our APIs, we will get you up to speed in no time. This is what you have to do.

First, you should read the introduction to REST APIs where you can learn about the principles behind our APIs and conventions we use, and how to authenticate API users. These guides will help you get access to our APIs from your code.

If you know about all these things already, you can jump straight to:

You probably want to have a rock-solid codebase. To achieve that you should always check for responses from the APIs and errors. We have a guide just for that: Status codes and errors.

After all that you can find out more about API resources (what parameters are valid, which are required and which optional, etc.) in this same documentation for Mediagenix On-Demand / Metadata and Sequence.

When building an application that invokes the Mediagenix On-Demand APIs, please use the Mediagenix On-Demand staging and pre-production environments, before hitting the Mediagenix On-Demand production environment. This lets you safely build and test functionality, as well as ascertain performance and security. Please speak to your Technical Account Manager to get access to the staging and pre-production environments.

Finally, if you need any help please speak to your Technical Account Manager.

API usage guidelines

Mediagenix On-Demand uses rate limiting to control API traffic. By default, all new API users are limited to a quota of 150 requests every 30 seconds; exceeding that limit would result in getting banned for 300 seconds (5 minutes, the “cooldown” period). Therefore, all integrations need to handle the 429 status code adequately (please, check the Ratelimit-Reset response header to understand your current rate limit status).

If you think that your integration might need to exceed those limits, please, speak with your Technical Account Manager to review the specific scenario before we can adjust the defaults.

Please hit the Mediagenix On-Demand staging and pre-production environments with a representative data load, in order to check for performance, before deploying to production. Your Technical Account Manager can give you access and help you plan.

The various API endpoints have different performance characteristics and we understand clients use the APIs for different purposes meaning that a higher number of requests per minute is often not problematic.